3810 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
報價是: ¥16,632
销售的价格: ¥16,324
出售日期: 2014/08/25
上市價格/SQM: ¥151.71
租賃價格/SQM: ¥148.90
上市天數: 10
臥室: 2
浴室: 2
SQM: 109.63
允許寵物: 是
洗衣間: 在屋子裡面
停車位: 2
Mills Act: 不是
生活/工作: 是
*外匯匯率:$ 1美元: ¥6.16 獲取信息: 2014/08/25 23:59:59 (GMT-06:00/07:00)(美國和加拿大)。
One of The landmarks on the Mid-Wilshire Area. It is a corner unit exposed to southeast, there are 10 wall size windows at the rooms and living area.. It has the wood floor, high ceiling about 9'6", gorgeous kitchen and dining area w. granite counter top & stainless appliances. On the rooftop there are fitness center, pool, spa, BBQ area. The security guards are on duty for 24 hours.
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