3810 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
報價是: ¥14,513
销售的价格: ¥14,513
出售日期: 2012/01/06
上市價格/SQM: ¥171.67
租賃價格/SQM: ¥171.67
上市天數: 57
臥室: 2
浴室: 2
SQM: 84.54
允許寵物: 是
洗衣間: 內
停車位: 2
Mills Act: 不是
生活/工作: 是
*外匯匯率:$ 1美元: ¥6.31 獲取信息: 2012/01/06 23:59:59 (GMT-06:00/07:00)(美國和加拿大)。
Great city light view in Mid Wilshire / Korea Town area. All convenient facilities are nearby. Subway station is across the street. Totally remodeled/converted building.
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